Meet our grant recipients and read their amazing stories of hope.

I just wanted to update you on Mo. He’s doing great after his surgery and back to his old antics. Mo was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in September of 2018 and by February of 2019 it was time for surgery. Without your help in bridging the financial gap, I would not have been able to make that surgery happen. You were the difference between putting my rotten boy down and still having him with me. For that there are no words to thank The Baunji Strong Foundation. Here is Mo on his back rolling around without a care in the world, and another more dignified picture.
Thanks again!

This is Marshall Hugg. He is currently 7.5 years old, and a fantastic Pitbull mix. He is the biggest mush a dog could possibly be. He’s always been loyal since the day I brought him home to my family. He honestly did change our lives. Sadly in October of 2018 he was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma and it hit us hard. It started with a limp and Xrays gave us the horrible truth. We acted fast and went against what most vets would disagree with and had his leg amputated. We had reached out to Billy’s nonprofit for any ideas on what to do since I had known his dog has gone through the same thing. With a lot of meetings, research and hard choices we decided on not to go along with doing chemotherapy. Billy helped us find the right people to talk to and shared the diet he had Baunji on. As of today he is happy, acting his normal self and loving life. After 6 months since his diagnosis he is still pushing and fighting and still the strong loyal dog he will forever be.
In Late February 2018, my sweet rescue pit bull, “Cookie”, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. My primary care vet offered “I am very sorry, but your dog has one or two months to live” and sent me home with pain meds. I was devastated.
I cannot remember how I got referred to Billy, but he reached out to me within 45 minutes and very generously spent another good 45 minutes with me on the phone. He was a wealth of knowledge on treatment options, what to expect, as well as helping me to understand that nutrition is a CRUCIAL component. He got me onto a wonderful diet with all the nutritional needs and supplements she required for the optimum fine-tuning of her immune system.
We are now 6 months post-amputation, done with chemo, and have our pre-vaccine screening tomorrow. If all is good, we start the vaccine next Thursday.
Her quality of life is EXCELLENT. My two month diagnosis may turn into years of quality time. I will be forever grateful to Billy for his genuine desire to help those whose beloved pets are facing canine cancer.